
What's the most stable share for an interstellar lightsail?

In 2015, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner founded Breakthrough Initiatives with the intention of bolstering the search for extra-terrestrial life. Since that time, the non-profit organization – which is backed by Stephen Hawking and Mark Zuckerberg – has announced a number of advanced projects. The most ambitious of these is arguably Project Starshot, an interstellar mission that would make the journey to the nearest star in just 20 years.

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Cosmodrom “Vostochnyi”

“Soyuz 2-1” launcher with “Lomonosov” satellite have been delivered to the launch site and installed there for the further operations before the launch, which is scheduled now for April,27, 2016 at 11a.m. local time (5 a.m. Moscow time).

25 of april four SINP MSU people (M. Panasyuk, I. Yashin, V. Petrov, O. Peretyat’ko) visited launch site during the special ceremony of sanctification.

You can find videos from cosmodrom here: https://www.facebook.com/sinp.msu/






XLVI International Tulinov Conference on Physics of Charged Particles Interations with Crystals

XLVI International Tulinov Conference on Physics of Charged Particles Interations with Crystals (ITC-16), Moscow, 31 May– 2 June 2016 г.

More information at http://danp.sinp.msu.ru/tulin_conf.htm


Why Europe will soon be cold?

What is the climate waiting for Russia and Europe in 15-20 years? Will be there weather abnormalities in the coming decades? Will some areas experience more severe winter, while the others will have hot summer? It all depends on how much the climate will be affected by the dynamics of the possible onset of minimum solar magnetic activity. The Sun's behaviour in future cycles is the main theme of a publication on the forecast and explanation of the minima of solar activity. The paper was prepared with contributions from Elena Popova from the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (Lomonosov Moscow State University) and was published in Scientific Reports.

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Scientists monitor the influence of black carbon on climate in the Russian Arctic

Instrumentation for aerosol monitoring and characterization has been developed by a research team of SINP MSU leading by Dr. O. Popovicheva. In October 2015 new aerosol technology was successfully implemented onboard the research ship “Akademik Trechnikov” of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) during the marine arctic Expedition Sever -2015.

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SINP scientists celebrate the 57-th anniversary of the first scientific instruments' space launch

On November 3, 1957 SINP scientists launched scientific instruments to space for the first time in the world. The instruments were mounted onboard the second Earth's satellite. Onboard this satellite the first living being - dog Laika - was also launched to space.

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Russian Titanium will help in searching for dark matter

It is possible to produce Titanium with ultra-low content of radioactive elements undustrially. Russian scientists concluded it after detailed research. Produced Titanium can become an innovative low-background structural material for perspective detectors of dark matter and other low-background experiments. SINP scientist Alexander Chepurnov initiated a project on the search for new structural materials for dark matter detectors in collaboration with the Russian scientists from the Institute for Solid State Physics RAS, D.I.Mendeleev Russian CHemical and Technological University, N.E.Bauman Moscow State Technical University and specialists from Solikamsk Magnesium-production Plant.

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Memorandum of understanding is signed by proncipal investigators of space experiments

Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of studies of terrestrial gamma-flashes, transient luminous events and gamma-ray bursts is signed by principal investigators of space experiments RELEC and AGILE - Mikhail Panasyuk, SINP Director, and the scientist of the Institute of space astrophysics and space physics of the National Astrophysical Institute (IHAF/IASF - Rome, Italy).

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RELEC experimental equipment onboard VERNOV satellite detected two gamma-ray bursts

Professor Anatoly Iyudin, the Head of the Extreme Universe Laboratory of SINP MSU, responsible for the analysis of the RELEC data in gamma-range told at the SINP seminar on December 10, 2014: "Gamma-ray bursts detection provides an opportunity for analyzing of rate of star formation at different stages of our Universe development, including early stages, when the first stars were formed."

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Two new experiments will be carried out onboard the International Space Station

The 16th International Meeting on the JEM-EUSO project (Japanese Experimental Module for Extreme Universe Space Observatory) took place in Moscow during December 1-5, 2014. Accoring to the sugggestion of the Russian party the participants of the Meeting discussed a new project - association of JEM-EUSO project, which undergoes difficulties with putting into practice, and KLPVE (Russian abbreviation for "Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays") onboard one of Russian modules of the International Space Station.

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Physical scientists celebrate the 25th anniversary of the discovery, which forwarded the development of the shell model of nuclei

25 years ago the USSR National Committee for the inventions and discoveries established a discovery (Diploma N 342) with the title "Mechanism of configurational fission of the giant dipole resonance for light nuclei" by V.G. Shevchenko, B.S. Ishkhanov, V.G. Neudachin, I.M. Kapitonov and N.P. Yudin - the scientists of the MSU Physics Department and SINP MSU.

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Tests of the accelerator for radiograhic purposes are completed

Acceptance tests of the electron accelerator for radiation non-destructive testing (quality inspection of weld seals of the atomic reactors vessels) are completed at the Laboratory of electron accelerators. This accelerator is a joint product of the Laboratory and Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and production enterprise "Torium"", the Head responsible party of the Contract with the Ordzhonikidze Podol'sk Mechanic Plant.

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SINP MSU: Jovian can-do approach

Is there life on the satellite of Jove - Europe? Does its ice shell really hide liquid ocean of salted water? Not only NASA and ESA, but also Roscosmos also looks for answers to these question. In order to carry out Russian mission to Jove SINP scientists solve one of the basic problems - what are the ways for diminishing of the level of radiation accumulation onboard pilotless spacecraft in order to extend its lifetime.

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Russian and Japan have signed a scientific protocol

A scientific protocol concerning joint experiment by means of the developed orbital telescope onboard the Russian segment of ISS is signed between SINP MSU and Japan Institute RIKEN. The document contains the objectives of the project, principles of data exchange and joint publications, and parties' responsibilities. This protocol provides a basis for the further cooperation between Russia and Japan within the frames of K-EUSO project, but at the level of space agencies - Roscosmos and JAXA.

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Scientific equipment was tested on Mount Aragats

On September 22-24, SINP scientists in cooperation with their colleagues from A.I.Alikhanyan National Armenian Laboratory (NAL) tested scientific equipment for the studies of UV and gamma-range phenomena associated with atmospheric elecricity. The tests were carried out on Mount Aragats at the altitude of 3200 m.

COSPAR President acknowledged SINP Director for cordial reception and organisation of the Milestone Assembly

The President of the International Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Lennard Fisk, Professor of Michagan University (USA) in his letter to SINP Director, Professor Mikhail Panasyuk, expressed his heartfelt thanks for hospitality and active participation in the organisation of the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, which took place in M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Unviersity from August 2 to Auguist 10, 2014.

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Scientific instrument “NUCLEON” launched onboard the satellite “Resurs-P” N2 will help the scientists in the studies from the objects of our Galaxy up to dark matter

On December 26, at 21:56 MLT a spacecraft “Resurs-P” N2 with scientific instrument “NUCLEON” was launched from Baykonur launching site to the orbit.

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Spacecraft "MKA-FKI(PN2)" got a new name "Vernov"

At the session of the RAS Council for space it was resolved to name the spacecraft "MKA-FKI(PN2)" after the oustanding Soviet scientist Segey Vernov.

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A new method will help scientists to measure X-rays helicity